What IS the William Byrd Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution?
Richmond, Virginia

The William Byrd Chapter, named for Colonel William Byrd II, was founded in 1917. For more than one hundred years, the William Byrd Chapter has been involved in projects that support veterans, that teach children about our country's rich history, and that help preserve historical sites - all so that future generations can understand and appreciate and cherish our country. Founded just as the United States entered World War I, members worked to support the war effort by caring for war orphans and collecting war supplies In 1928, the chapter became the caretakers of the Madison Cemetery at Montpelier and later placed a bronze plaque on the cemetery wall on the 100th anniversary of Madison's death. During World War II, members' efforts included sending more seed packages to the War Services Gardens Overseas than any other chapter in the United States. Flourishing and remaining strong for decades, the chapter moved into the twenty-first century with the same zeal and enthusiasm that motivated its founders. Members continued their service to veterans, sponsored patriotic organizations for school children, and contributed to the John Marshall House by placing a bench in the garden, to name only a few of the many projects in which the chapter participated. William Byrd continues to march forward in service to our country.
Meeting Location Changes to St. Giles Presbyterian Church!
After several years in our former location, the William Byrd Chapter has a new home! Our new meeting place, St. Giles Presbyterian Church, is conveniently located at 5200 Grove Avenue, Richmond VA. Ample parking is available in lots at both ends of the the facility, as well as on the side street., Tuckahoe Boulevard. William Byrd officers will be helping to direct members to the fellowship hall, where our meeting will take place. See you there!
Each year, Richmond area chapters gather together to celebrate the birthday of our country's first president, George Washington. President Washington, having led the continental army to victory over the army of Great Britain, accepted the responsibility to lead the new country as its first president. His presidency set the standard for many policies still in place today. How appropriate it is that daughters celebrate this great man who gave so much. This year our speaker will discuss the Order of the Cincinnati, a fraternal organization started by Henry Knox to honor those officers who led our country in those hard and uncertain days of the war.
On February 5, 2024, we had the opportunity to see the "back room" at the Valentine Museum, given by the director of the Valentine himself, Mr. Bill Martin. We had an indepth look at how curators catalog the vast collection of artifacts from Richmond's history, and gain an insight into how exhibits come into being. The Valentine Museum is "the museum of Richmond," was begun in 1898, making it the oldest museum in Richmond. Mr. Martin's fascinating insights made our "field trip" both fun and educational!
Our next "Fantastic Friday Field Trip" will be to Yeocomico church and the Kinsale Museum on March 1, and as an added bonus, we'll get to visit HUMBLE STORE, owned by our regent and in the same building in which her grandfather ran a store many years ago. Watch the website for details, which will also be posted on the members FaceBook page. Note that registration is required for this field trip.
To see photos click HERE
Quilts were the focus at our January meeting, with noted home economist Marla Bachman's fascinating presentation about quilts and their role in the history of our country. Members brought their own antique and family quilts to share. Two very special "Quilts of Valor" brought tears to the eyes, as one member and one family member shared their Vietnam War experiences. Family memories and histories tied to the cherished quilts emphasized how simple, everyday, seemingly insignificant things can document and preserve a family's history.
To learn more about "Quilts of Valor" and how you can be a part of this very worthwhile initiative to help honor a veteran, visit www.qovf.org.
Quilts were the focus at our January meeting, with noted home economist Marla Bachman's fascinating presentation about quilts and their role in the history of our country. Members brought their own antique and family quilts to share. Two very special "Quilts of Valor" brought tears to the eyes, as one member and one family member shared their Vietnam War experiences. Family memories and histories tied to the cherished quilts emphasized how simple, everyday, seemingly insignificant things can document and preserve a family's history.
To learn more about "Quilts of Valor" and how you can be a part of this very worthwhile initiative to help honor a veteran, visit www.qovf.org.
More Photos on our EVENTS page. Click Here
On Marcvh 26, Jim Triesler, Education Director at the Virginia War Memorial, will tell us of the crucial work that women did during World War II to win the war. Jim's talks always inform and entertain! Guests are welcome. At this meeting we will collect new items (socks, underwear, comfort pants and tops) for the women veterans at McGuire Veterans Hospital.
Exciting things are on tap for 2024! The William Byrd's main focus is SERVICE TO OUR COMMUNITY, and that means both our local and far flung communities. Check out our "Chapter Info" tab for dates and other program information for 2024. We can't possibly put everything that we do into our website. You'll have to come and check us out - at a meeting, at a field trip, at a volunteer opportunity.
- Because "Daughters of the American Revolution" is first of all a SERVICE organization...
- Because others have given, and continue to give, so much to each of us...
- Because it gives us a chance to show our love for our country and its citizens...
- Because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO! Stay posted for future opportunities to be of service. And bring your ideas to our meetings!
A Very Special Thank You
If you've ever wondered about the impact of a DAR project then CLICK HERE. What you read will touch your heart!

A Snippet from our history: Did you know that the William Byrd Chapter, NSDAR was responsible, in the 1990's, for helping to refurbish the grounds of the John Marshall House here in Richmond?
Site last updated: SEPTEMBER 30th, 2022
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